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Stray Game Review

A stray cat, lost and lonely, has to unravel an ancient mystery in order to save a city that was forgotten.

Stray, an online game that targets cats that is set amid the darkened areas of a dying cybercity as well as its murky underground. Explore the environs, safeguard yourself from unplanned threats, and unravel the mysteries in this bizarre world full of dangerous robots.

The world can be seen from the perspective of the cat and are able to interact with it in humorous ways. Stay nimble, stealthy, silly, and sometimes the most annoying you can with the strange inhabitants of this fascinating world.

The cat encounters a small drone that is flying called B-12 on the way. With the help of this newly-found friend, they have to find a way to escape.

BlueTwelve Studio is responsible for Stray’s development. This small group from south France is mostly made up of cats, but there are also humans.

A Review made by one piece hentai apk

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